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White Layer Ducklings
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White Layer Ducklings
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The White Layer has equal egg production to the Golden 300 Hybrid.
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White Layer Duck
The White Layer was developed several years after the Golden Hybrid Layer as some of our customers wanted a white egg laying bird. The advantage of the white color to these customers is the embryo is a lighter, yellow color which is preferable to the variety of colors in the Golden 300 embryo for balut production. Balut are duck eggs incubated to 17 days, removed from the incubator and cooked. This is a delicacy among some Filipinos, Vietnamese and other southeast Asia populations.
The White Layer has equal egg production to the Golden 300 Hybrid. The only minor difference between it and the Golden 300 Hybrid is that the White Layer lays fewer bluish colored eggs. All the progeny of the White Layer are white.
As many customers want larger quantities of these ducks for egg production, we have special pricing for them. If you want 60-119 females, you pay the prices in the price list for the females and their sexing but there is no charge for up to an equal number of males. If you purchase 120 or more females, there is no sexing charge and no charge for up to an equal number of males. This only applies to the White Layer and Golden 300 Hybrid. Please call for further information or explanation. Most customers do not need the males and typically they cannot be raised profitably for meat production.
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