Posted by on 7/8/2018 to
Duck and Chicken Food and Care
One of the most common questions customers ask is how they can rejuvenate their day old chicks after they arrive. We typically recommend that our customers provide their day old chicks with some sugar water, as this will give them some energy after their journey to your local post office. However, to ensure they receive top notch care after delivery, our customers now have the option to add a chick energy vital-pack to their order that can be sent along with their chicks. This will ensure that you can immediately provide your young chicks with an optimal blend of vitamins and electrolytes as soon as they arrive, and you can continue to provide them with these nutrients throughout adulthood (following directions for use). The chick energy vital-pack comes in a powder form that is added to water at a concentration of 1/10 teaspoon per gallon of water. The chick energy vital-pack will include enough powder to make approximately 250 gallons of vitamin/electrolyte solution.
What are the Benefits of Vitamin Supplementation for Chicks and Chickens?
Vitamin A- Lack of vitamin A in a chick's diet may increase the chances of poor appetite, poor growth, and overall weakness. In adult chickens, lack of Vitamin A may lead to decreased egg production. It is always a good idea to supplement your chicken's diet with sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, and tomatoes to provide an additional source of vitamin A. Additionally, because day old chicks are not yet accustomed to these foods, it is always a good idea to mix their water with the chick energy vital-pack, to ensure they receive adequate vitamins and electrolytes.
Biotin- Lack of biotin in a chicken's diet may increase the chances of your chicken developing dry skin. Natural food sources of biotin for your chicken include broccoli, strawberries, raspberries, and peas.
Folic Acid- Folic acid deficiency in chickens may increase the likelihood of your chickens developing wry-neck, anemia, impaired feather development, and poor egg production. Natural sources of folic acid for your chickens include fruits such as strawberries or raspberries, and vegetables such as spinach, greens, cauliflower, and asparagus.
Vitamin D3- When chickens are deficient in vitamin D3, they may be at greater risk of developing weakened bones, thinner egg shells, and softer beaks. Natural sources of vitamin D3 for your chickens include fish and eggs.
Vitamin E- Vitamin E deficiency in chickens may increase the chances that your chicken will develop crooked neck, balance issues, and muscle degradation. Natural sources of vitamin E for your chickens include vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and beats.
Vitamin B6- Lack of viatmin B6 in your chickens diet may increase the chances of your chicken developing metabolic issues, decreased egg development, and reproductive issues. Natural food sources of vitamin B6 include spinach, peas, sunflower seeds, and bananas.
Vitamin B12- Lack of vitamin B12 in a day old chick's diet may increase the chances of poor appetite and development of feathers. In adult chickens, lack of vitamin B12 can increase the chances that your chicken will lay full sized eggs, and may develop other health problems that adversely affect your chicken's kidneys and cardiovascular systems. Natural sources of vitamin B12 for adult chickens include fish and yogurt which may be provided as a supplement to adult chickens.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)- Lack of riboflavin in your chicken's diet may increase the chances of laying eggs that will produce chicks with toe and leg anomalies, which may cause walking problems for those chicks. Natural sources of riboflavin for your chickens include spinach, beets, and asparagus.
Vitamin K- Chickens need vitamin K to develop a normal blood clotting process. Natural sources of vitamin K for chickens include vegetables such as cabbage, cucumber, broccoli, and asparagus.
Niacin- Niacin deficiency may increase the changes of your chickens having a poor appetite and lack of growth. Additionally, lack of niacin for chicks may increase the chances that your chicks will develop digestive tract issues related to inflammation. Natural sources of niacin for your chickens and day old chicks include sunflower seeds and peas.
(Simply mix vitamin/electrolyte powder with water and add to your chicks water distributor)
In order to ensure that your day old chicks, juvenile chickens, and adult chickens receive adequate amounts of vitamins and electrolytes, we highly recommend including the chick energy vital-pack with your order for day old chicks from, which will help your chicks and chickens flourish!
- Happy Chickening!
Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only, and is not meant to be all inclusive or intended as dietary or medical advice for your poultry. If you have any specific questions about chicken vitamins and supplementation, we recommend contacting your local veterinarian.