Indian Runner Ducks- A Favorite Backyard Duck Breed!
Most Popular Duck Breed

With so many different duck breeds to choose from, you may be wondering which breed will be the best for your property. If you're looking for our most popular backyard duck breed, we highly recommend the Indian Runner Duck, which comes in a variety of colors including: Fawn and White Indian Runner DucksBlue Indian Runner DucksBlack Indian Runner Ducks, and Chocolate Indian Runner Ducks

Indian Runner Duck Basics
The Indian Runner Duck breed are well known for their friendly personalities and their excellent backyard foraging abilities. Also, they stand upright and tall, with figures that are unique and majestic. Runner ducks are unique as they do not have flight capability, making them excellent backyard and garden ducks. The runner duckling breed are well known for their excellent egg laying and gardening aesthetics, as they are light on their feet and their step will be gentle to gardens and backyard environments. The runner duck is true to it's name, as they will run or walk instead of waddling. This is due to their upright posture allowing them to move gracefully and quickly. Indeed, male runner ducks will grow to nearly 30 inches in height, and females will grow to nearly 25 inches in height. A mature female runner duck will lay nearly 200 eggs per year, typically between February and September.

Feeding Runner Ducks
Runner ducks will naturally search for bugs to eat in your backyard, and they are one of the quieter breeds of ducks, occasionally quacking at low volume. The runner duck will typically live up to ten years, and generally require approximately a quarter pound of feed per day, with females preferring duck maintainer feed on a regular basis. 

If you're interested in purchasing runner ducklings, we offer them from Spring to Winter seasons. Feel free to order your backyard runner ducks or our Runner Duck Assortment directly through our website!

Happy quacking!