Favorite Chicken Breeds
Some of our favorite chicken breeds the the barred rock chicken, easter egger chicken, and the buff orpington chicken. Each one of these chicken breeds offers a unique characteristic!

Barred Rock Chicken
The Barred Rock Chicken originated in Holland and lays large dark brown eggs about three (3) times per week. The barred rock chicken has a friendly and calm personality and a greyish "rock like" coloring  making them a popular backyard chicken breed in the United States. The barred rock chicken has a friendly personality and can be housed with any other breed of chicken. 

(Pictured Above: Barred Rock Chicken Breed)

Buff Orpington Chicken
The Buff Orpington Chicken originates from England and lays large brown colored eggs about three (3) times per week. The buff orpington is a favorite breed for many backyard chicken owners due to their appearance, as they have been bred as a show bird rather than for utility purposes. Their docile and friendly personalities make them easily adaptable to live with other chicken breeds!

Buff Orpington Chicken Breed

(Pictured Above: Buff Orpington Chicken Breed)

Easter Egger Chickens
The easter egger is perhaps the most popular chicken breed we offer due to the blue colored "easter" eggs it provides, with excellent production the easter egger chicken is an all time favorite. The Easter Egger Chicken lays blue and green colored eggs about four (4) times per week. The easter egger chicken is a small breed that originates from the United States. This breed is very active and friendly, making it a top choice for backyard chicken flock owners. Additionally, easter egger chickens have friendly personalities and will fit in well as the greet you every morning with blueish colored eggs. The easter egger is a breed you have to see for yourself to believe, they will quickly grow on you as a favorite chicken breed. 

(Pictured Above: Easter Egger Chicken Breed)

Please feel free to comment on your favorite chicken breeds below, and let others know your favorite chicken breeds!